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"Mortgage Rates Sideways to Slightly Higher"

Mohamed Sadek



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From Matthew Graham at Mortgage News Daily: Mortgage Rates Sideways to Slightly Higher
Mortgage rates were unchanged to slightly higher today, keeping them in line with their highest levels in more than 2 weeks, depending on the lender [30YR FIXED - 4.0%]. Bond markets (which underlie mortgage rates) were in slightly better shape this morning, but that failed to translate to rate sheet improvements due to bond market weakness on Friday afternoon.

There were no significant economic reports or market moving headlines for bonds/rates today, but that will quickly change as the week progresses. Wednesday brings a key inflation report--the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Markets are also interested in any meaningful tax bill headlines, including the vote scheduled for the House version of the bill on Thursday.
emphasis added
• At 6:00 AM ET, NFIB Small Business Optimism Index for October.

• At 8:30 AM, The Producer Price Index for October from the BLS. The consensus is a 0.1% increase in PPI, and a 0.2% increase in core PPI.

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